Thursday, November 21, 2019

If you followed all the laws, would that make you a moral person Why Essay

If you followed all the laws, would that make you a moral person Why or why not - Essay Example The readings further offered the insight that under such circumstances it becomes the moral responsibility of citizens in the society to oppose such laws and disobey them. Therefore, as discerned from the core textbooks and outside research, I can discern that when an individual obeys all the laws in society, it does not make him a moral person. Obeying just laws, which are intended for the common good and well being of all the citizens, is the responsibility of every citizen in a country, as emphasized in the core reading and the journal articles I accessed during the research. These are intended to maintain peace and harmony within the society and to protect the weak from the strong. Similarly, laws also seek to prevent crimes, immorality and other evils within the society. Thus, citizens are bound to obey just laws for the prevalence of peace and harmony within the human society and when they break laws they become immoral people. On the other hand, the readings from the textbook chapters and other research materials I know that when unjust laws are enacted by rulers, such laws compromise the concept of common good. Thus, many political philosophers contend that unjust laws are no laws at all but â€Å"acts of violence† (George, 2008, p.194). Human history is replete with instances of exploitation of the weak by the ruling class through discrimination and other atrocities. The Nazi regime of Hitler sets a classic example of immoral rulers, who enacted discriminatory laws for the annihilation of particular races and it was considered as a breaking of law to â€Å"aid and comfort† members of these groups (Forji, 2010, p.156). The citizens of Germany, who had a moral responsibility to live in consonance with the tenets of â€Å"justice, and love for fellow man† failed to stand up to their moral responsibility, which led to the mass murder of millions and thus entailed the violation of common good (p.156). In this context, my readings provide me the

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