Friday, December 27, 2019

Importance of Financial Analysis - 692 Words

Financial analysis is an important aspect in maintaining a successful business. Analysis, when done properly allows a company to better pinpoint problem aspects of the business. The company can then take corrective action to alleviate or mitigate the problem aspects of the business. Aspects such as return on assets, return on equity, net income, and the quick ratio are all aspects needed to help the business function properly. Depending on the nature of the business, each metric will vary in its importance. For example, a highly capital intensive business relying on large amounts of fixed assets, may want to know the return they are getting from those assets. Likewise, a startup firm would be very interesting in its ability to pay off current debts in a timely and orderly fashion. As such the quick ration will take priority. In regards to running and maintaining a business however, I believe the three most important financial analysis tools are return on assets, profit margins, and c urrent assets. Financial computations from the finance office will allow investors to ascertain the actual position of the business. One of the most widely financial computations used is that of ROA. It is a strong profitability ratio because of its relation to both the profit margin and asset turnover. ROA helps show how well the company controls its costs and how efficient they are in utilizing their resources. For example an ROA of .44 indicates that the company is receiving $.44 for everyShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Financial Analysis1671 Words   |  7 PagesIt is important to develop unique visitors that visit our site. Not only will we need to attract them to the site, but we should be trying to get them to spend more time on the site and direct them to make contact with one or more providers. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Terrorism Is A Global Issue - 1155 Words

Terrorism is a global issue that most Canadians have come accustomed to hearing. Due to the sudden rise of terrorist acts with the Boston bombings and the shootings in Paris, terrorism is all that seems to appear on the news. But there are many parts of terrorism that people don’t know about. Like the fact that at one point the United States armed Muslim extremist in Afghanistan, who would later make up Al Qeada, to help them win the fight against the soviets who once occupied Afghanistan. Terrorism is a very broad subject, but through this essay I will be discussing the history of terrorism, its psychological factors, sociological factors, how is one brought up to become a terrorist, differing viewpoints and an experts opinion. Terrorism is defined as the use of violence or intimidation in the pursuit of political aim. The term was coined in 1793 by Maximillian Robespierre during his reign of terror in the French revolution. Robespierre would have people who opposed his ways killed. Since those days terrorist groups have formed all over the world. The Irish public army is a terrorist group that is fighting to become a national republic rather than be considered part of Great Britain. Distinct ethnic groups in turkey, Syria, Iran, and Sri Lanka have fought for autonomy since the beginning of the 20th century. The first experience the western society had with terrorism was in the 1972 Munich Olympic when a Palestinian group kidnapped and killed Israeli athletes. ReligiouslyShow MoreRelatedTerrorism Is A Global Issue1462 Words   |  6 PagesTerrorism is a global issue that has been a problem for many for centuries. Many agree that there is not just one clear definition of the word. The defini tion of terrorism is, â€Å"The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.† This definition is incomplete. It doesn’t tell you that the act of terrorism is wrong or does it describe who can be affected by it. The FBI’s definition seems to be a better description. They define it as, â€Å"TerrorismRead MoreTerrorism : A Global Issue Essay1749 Words   |  7 PagesAngela Brown Professor Miller English 112 13 Sept 2015 Terrorism Many of us will embrace our loved ones before leaving our homes to start a hectic workday. As we hug our children and kiss our spouses goodbye, the thought of losing them, or our lives to acts of terrorism, is typically not one to cross our minds. On September 11, 2001, this mere thought became the reality for many families. The eleventh of September will forever be remembered as the date a terrorist organization, known as al-QaedaRead MoreTerrorism Is Global Issue That Have Occurred Around The World? Essay1362 Words   |  6 PagesTerrorism are global issue that have occurred around the world. It happened between countries and countries or even in the civil wars. Because of venerating the religious beliefs, some terrorists groups used terrorism to defense and propagandize their goal to the world. Until now, Al-Qaeda and their allies are known as one of the strongest and dangerous terrorist groups. They were killing people who showed opposed ideas over their beliefs; furthermore, in their religious ideal, the terrorists groupsRead MoreWhy Canada Should Pursue And Combat All Potential Terrorists On A Global Scale1541 Words   |  7 Pagesattacks, the world must discuss how to effectively combat terrorism in a way that minimizes harm. Throughout the following paper, I will summarize four contrasting responses to terrorism, included in a document adapted from Terrorism: How Should We Respond, of the Choices Program at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University. I will then discuss why I believe Canada’s most effective response to terrorism would be a unique combination of Options Two and Four. I believeRead MoreCanada’S Counter-Terrorism Strategy Is Failing. From The919 Words   |  4 Pages Canada’s counter-terrorism strategy is failing. From the 2014 attack on Parliament hill to the January massacre at the Quebec city mosque, it is clear that terrorism is an imminent threat, both to Canada and to the world. Backlash against Western culture provides ammunition to extremist Islamic groups globally, which is only exacerbated by the West’s disproportionate military responses to legitimate and perceived threats through drone strikes or other military operations. Anger towards domesticRead More Why Terrorism Should Be a Global Concern Essay1380 Words   |  6 Pageshalt it. A central assumption is that terrorism is a religious war, apparently between Christians and the Muslims. This is just a moral claim that terrorists are using to attract more people over to their side, as well as create solidarity among the Muslims. As a result, the imagery and the reality of terrorism differ overwhelmingly. There are various terror occurrences around the globe that are similar and can be classified as terrorism. Otherwise, terrorism has been a means to carry on a conflictRead MoreTerrorism : A Common Definition Of Terrorism972 Words   |  4 Pages Most of the countries around the world call the terrorism a common enemy, but there is not a common definition of terrorism. There is not any significant unified goal and objective among the states against them, but they have their collective and shared goals. They are against the peace, stability, and development and they want to kill, destroy and spread fear. They misuse and misinterprets any faith in their favor and they try to mix terrorism with the religious ideology. And they support eachRead MoreTerrorism Is Very Real For Mnes Essay1233 Words   |  5 PagesSadly, terrorism permeates everyday society, and the intensifying impact of terrorism on international business is a global phenomenon with implications for both theory and practice. The research question addressed by this exploratory study is how international businesses apply past terrorism exposure and experience from operating in risky locations to create organizational preparedness and performance resilience to absorb and endure future terrorist attacks. This paper contributes to the internationalRead MoreTerrorists and Terrorism: The 9/11 Terror Attacks922 Words   |  4 PagesTerrorists and Terrorism: The 9/11 terror attacks is one of the historical and fatal events that changed the United States of America forever, especially in relation to terrorists and terrorism. While these concepts were on the minds of very few people in Americas population before the attacks, the 9/11 incident made terrorism to become one of the major concerns for the whole nation. This is despite of the fact that they were carried out in New York City, Washington, and parts of PennsylvaniaRead MoreGlobal Terrorism Is An Act Of Violence And Strategy971 Words   |  4 Pages Global Terrorism The rise on terrorism has dramatically increased in a diverse range of countries around the world. Within the last year, the world has achieved the highest number of attacks. Terrorism is an act of violence and strategy towards the government. One of the main purpose of terrorism is to not only add fear into the public, but also change the public’s eye. Now, global terrorism is a bigger issue that affects the world. Global terrorism does not just affect

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Understanding Organization Behaviour and Culture - Free Sample

Question: 1. You have been asked to use the OB theories on organizational change that you have studied to advice a group of managers on how they can effectively bring about change in their employees working practices. 2. The concept of organizational culture is an important and popular one for academics and practicing managers. Answer: 1. The best of Managers do not need any diplomas or certificates to bring efficiency in working capacity of their employees, all they need is a good know-how of what motivates each employee (Rao, 2010). After all, employees are different individuals with different driving factors. Therefore, every Manager needs to assess each and every employee as to what is the unique driving factor for each employee (Appannaiah, Reddy and Kavitha, 2010). Following are the factors taken from theories; Managers need to keep in mind to improve the efficiency of Employees: Theory of Motivation: Managers need to be frequent and enthusiastic communicators to be successful leaders and to bring out maximum efficiency among employees. Managers need to be regularly interactive with the employees on individual basis. This gives the employees a sense of belongingness towards the Organization. Thus, the employees feel satisfied and deliver better work and stay at the workplace for longer period (Wilson, 2010). Successful Mangers/leaders need to build an atmosphere that is very encouraging and persuasive for the employees to work. Moreover in this era of high competition, where every sector is flooded with various competitors, employees need to work with very high levels of dedication. Therefore, a positive and conducive environment is required for an efficient working by the employees (Robbins, 2010). Enthusiasm is a thing which passes from one person to another, thus, it is mandatory on part of every Manager to be an enthusiastic, passionate and a very determined leader. This helps to breed resourceful ideas and passion amongst employees, which in turn, generates energy and bring in efficiency (Martin and Fellenz, 2010). Manager also needs to focus on perks to be given to the employees. For example, organizing a cake cutting ceremony of employee on his/her birthday, giving gifts on the occasion of marriage of any employee or giving present if any employee is blessed with a child. If feasible, organization should also organize a small party amongst the employees on the last day of every month (Beulens, 2006). Theory of emotional intelligence: Successful Managers need to communicate with employees collectively and in a way which infuses a sense of oneness amongst them. For an Organization to excel, it is very important that all employees work collectively for common goals of the Organization. Thus, if Managers interact with the employees in a way that infuses a way of oneness amongst employees towards the organizational goals, it will build the functioning of the employees in that manner (Langton et al., 2014). No matter, business/organization is big or small, for better functioning of the overall organization, different teams are required that need to finish different tasks. Thus, good leaders need to make different teams for better functioning. Every team requires a different Manager for supervising. Thus, later, the main Manager/leader will better synchronize the different team tasks, which in turn will be over-all organizational task at the end (Singh, 2010). Leaders/Mangers define various tasks to be done as per the understanding/skills of different employees. For example; If an employee is better at handling clients/managing people or good with the workforce, the Manager will give him more works related to that, so that after delivering a better work, his morale is also enhanced and it is better for the Organization as well (Osibanjo and Adeniji, 2013). If an employee is better at marketing side, he will be put in marketing strategies etc. so that it benefits the employee as well as whole Organization. Theory of Attitude and Behaviour: Good Leaders value the diversity of work styles, cultures and skills. Leaders should never discard new styles of working bought in by any employee as it may prove to be more beneficial than the existing one. For being an efficient leader and someone that should be appreciated, one needs to appraise not just whole team but each and every member of the team separately and collectively both. So to maintain the perfect balance between individual employees morale and also to maintain a sense of collectiveness/oneness amongst them. A leader affects the code of conduct of each employee in the team (Legace, 2002). Thus, it is very important for the leader to be a role model and act correctly to set an apt example, reflecting what the team needs to do and in which direction. Moreover, a good leader should also help in moulding an employee in a disciplined manner by his own example (Martin and Fellenz, 2010). A Manager also needs to advocate/appraise his/her employees to stand up for what is right and what is wrong. Managers should inculcate social responsibilities amongst employees. As in todays world, where Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives are mandatory on part of Organizations and more than being mandatory, they are the need of this era, Managers should inculcate such CSR initiatives amongst employees so that it forms a part of legacy of the Organization. This will set a benchmark for the coming generations of Managers to meet such standards or even achieve higher levels (Alvesson, 2011). Successful leaders not just focus on skilled educated workforce; they also bring better initiatives/incentives for unskilled/semi-skilled labourers. This helps in fulfilling two tasks, one is retaining trustable workforce, another is the Manager will be appreciated (Hardcopf and Shah, 2014). Corporate world in todays time has no time for sensitive discussions. Thus, for being a distinguished leader, one needs to be a bit sensitive towards employees. This does not mean talking to an employee about his/her personal relationships, but holding individual session with an employee who looks stressed or unhappy at the workplace as to discuss the reasons for his/her unhappiness or stress at workplace. This will lead to two things, one would be that employees will be satisfied at the workplace and would stay for longer years. Secondly, this will also benefit the organization as a whole (King and Lawley, 2012). Like employees are different individuals and have emotions, Managers too are human beings who have emotions or different perceptions about different people of different cultures, social strata, etc. Therefore, successful Managers never look up at someone with personal perceptions; rather judge them as per their deliverables/work. For example, if a Manager has negative perceptions about a person from a particular community, he should not reject that person in the interview itself just on the basis of his/her caste/community (French, 2014). Thus, to conclude, it can be said that Managerial tasks are mainly required to maintain thin-line balance between achieving organizational tasks and every employees individual development. Thus, the factors stated above are important requisites for Mangers to follow and become distinguishing leaders like being great motivators, someone who sets standards/code of conduct for the employees as the Managers need to look for employees individual needs also and train them to work for Organizations overall collective goals also. To sum up, it can be said that Managers need to be enthusiastic, sensitive towards society and employees; need not bring in personal perceptions in between the professional Managerial capacity, also he/she should be a good mentor to be a distinguishing Mentor/Manager or in real terms a leader. In other words, need to set such benchmarks for the Managers of future generations which are not easy to achieve. 2. Organisational behaviour is a concept wherein an organisation is developed with shared beliefs and values and the internal environment of the organisation is governed by the behaviour of the people in the organisation. The values in an organisation have an impact on the way the people of the organisation perform, dress, and act and how their performance is in their work (Alvesson, 2011). These work performances differ from organisation to organisation depending on the type of work culture the organisation develops. Therefore an organisational culture is of great importance for the people involved in any organisation. For managers and academics a professional environment with closely knitted values is important as the internal environment of an organisation requires leadership and professionalism along with an effective communication. An organisation requires certain factors to succeed such as growth, communication, balancing between professional and personal streams of the employees, employees satisfaction, rewarding the employees to culminate motivation in the employees, this can be achieved only from a professional organisational cultural. The organisational culture cannot be seen or set through parameters/indexes of any kind; it can only be felt by the people working in the organisation, by the behaviour of the organisation, the leadership skills that the managers and the other people involved in the organisations show. These factors that make an organisation are compromised, the ills of the factors are reflected upon the organisation which makes the organisation look bad, the productivity fal ls and the graph of the return drops (Uddin, Luva and Hossain, 2012). Managers have the most important role to play in the organisation as stated by in a research by the Gallup Organisation, whereby it was concluded that the manager is the key of the organisation and not the pays, benefits, perks or other incentives of it. The culture determines the bond of the manager and the employees, their relationship is coexistent with the generation of profit and benefits for the employees and the management. The manager is responsible to set out the action plan for the employees to perform in nexus with the objectives of the organisation that it is suppose to achieve. Therefore all is dependent on the relationship the manager maintains with the employees else, the organisation fails as a whole. Managers being the leaders in the organisation are looked upon as role models for the employees, and their behaviour is responsible for the behaviour of the employees as it is shaped by continuous observation and the experiences that the employees get from their managers . This in turn is a resultant factor of the philosophies and the values that the organisation is knitted with (Sweeney, 2014). Managers are involved in the role of planning, by setting the agendas for the organisation to achieve through the working of the employees; it is the managers who have an influence over the employees due to which the organisation thrives and is successful in its long term goals as the employees in a cohabited organisational culture are able to strive for excellence by working together to fulfil the agenda of the organisation (Safiullah, 2014). A positive organisational culture has its merits that help in the growth of the organisation which are as follows (Cameron and Quinn, 2011): Innovation: The cooperation that exist in a positive work culture of an organisation inhibiting sharing of knowledge, ideas and experiences, if the organisation has an open culture then the employees can equally participate and put in their efforts which leads to success for the organisation, however if the work culture is narrow or restrictive and authoritative, the employees are unable to put in their complete efforts and restricts innovation or new ideas and approaches from the employees. Employees require support and motivation from the mangers so as to bring out the goodness from themselves and perform task in a challenging manner to come out with better and innovative ideas (Osibanjo and Adeniji, 2013). Unity: When an organisation has a shared environment of values and belief then the relationship between the employee and the manager is healthy even though the people in the organisation come from various backgrounds. This indeed helps the organisation as they are able to cater and understand the needs of diversified culture, which brings them together through understanding due to better communication building up cultural gaps and avoiding conflicts (Harwiki, 2016). Loyalty: motivation can be achieved only if the leaders of the organisation make the employees feel respected and encouraged by appreciating their work, this boosts up their self esteem and they find themselves to be as a part of the organisation. This makes the employees want to put in their efforts to the fullest for the success of the organisation. This kind of a work culture makes the employees loyal towards the organisation (Hardcopf and Shah, 2014). Competition: healthy work environment is crafted in a shared organisational culture; a healthy competition is not only good but necessary for the organisations growth as well as for the growth of the employees individually. Healthy competition is achieved from the efforts of the managers and the ones sitting in the hierarchy of the organisation (Awasthi, 2012). Direction: It is the role of the managers to provide an action plan for the employees, as being the leader and the managing authority it is his duty to guide the employees through the work and correct them when they are wrong and direct them towards working in the right direction so as to ensure the agendas are fulfilled. Providing the employee with deadlines also helps in this task which is done by the managers only (Erkutlu, 2012). The importance of organisational culture can be felt through the example of IBM wherein IBM according to Legace (2002), IBM's extraordinary success in the '60s and '70s was built on one of the most dynamic sales cultures in the world. Earlier IBM applied the approach of decentralisation but by the 1990s they realised that organisation can thrive only by coming together and sharing the experiences and knowledge. Google is the most frequently used search engine, it has achieved huge success because of the principles that the organisation has which were adopted by its founders. They believe in making the employees happy and satisfied. Google has not only been ranked as the largest used search engine but has also been ranked at the top by its employees and considered as the best place to work at. Importance of an organisational culture can be seen at Google as it encourages its employees by taking risk and indulging into innovative practices. In one of the instances when an employee made mistake in the advertisement department at Google and caused millions of losses to the company, the vice president supported and encouraged the employee for taking risks and working out of the bounds. At Google, engineers are allowed to spend 20% of their time on their own ideas, so that the employees are encouraged to step out and experiment. There has to be a synthesis in the organisational cultural, this instil a set of values and principles within the culture and brings out benefits for the organisation. Organisational culture is a collection of values, symbol, experience, growth etc. these qualities make the members connect with the organisation. The importance of culture is that it shows the potential of the employees and the efforts that the employees put in making the company successful. It is hence important to adapt an organisational culture and also study about the trends of other organisational culture so as to know to learn from the faults and move towards growth without repeating the faults and learning from successful organisations. References Alvesson, M. (2011). Understanding Organizational Culture. London: SAGE. Cameron, K, S. and Quinn, R, E. (2011). Diagnosing And Changing Organizational Culture. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Rao, S, P. (2010). Organisational behaviour. Mumbai [India]: Himalaya Pub. House. Buelens, M. (2006). Organisational behaviour. London: McGraw-Hill. Appannaiah, H., Reddy, P. and Kavitha, B. (2010).Organisational behaviour. Mumbai [India]: Himalaya Pub. House. Awasthi, S. (2012). Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Attitude.IJSR, 2(3), pp.271-275. Erkutlu, H. (2012). The impact of organizational culture on the relationship between shared leadership and team proactivity.Team Performance Management, 18(1/2), pp.102-119. French, R. (2014).Organizational behaviour. Chichester: Wiley. Hardcopf, R. and Shah, R. (2014). Lean and Performance: The Impact of Organizational Culture.Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014(1), pp.10747-10747. Harwiki, W. (2016). The Impact of Servant Leadership on Organization Culture, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) and Employee Performance in Women Cooperatives.Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 219, pp.283-290. King, D. and Lawley, S. (2012).Organizational behaviour. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press. Langton, N., Robbins, S., Judge, T. and Breward, K. (2014).Fundamentals of organizational behaviour. Toronto: Pearson. Martin, J. and Fellenz, M. (2010).Organizational behaviour and management. Andover: Cengage Learning. Osibanjo, A. and Adeniji, A. (2013). Impact of Organizational Culture on Human Resource Practices: A Study of Selected Nigerian Private Universities.JOC, 5(4), pp.115-133. Robbins, S. (2010).Organisational behaviour. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Australia. Safiullah, A. (2014). Impact of Rewards on Employee Motivation of the Telecommunication Industry of Bangladesh: An Empirical Study.IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 16(12), pp.22-30. Singh, A. (2010). A Study of HRM Practices and Organizational Culture in Selected Private Sector Organizations in India.Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 2010(4), pp.64-80. Sweeney, P. (2014). Emerging Markets Go Organic: Does Organizational Culture Impact Market Responsiveness and Firm Performance?.Academy of Management Perspectives, 28(2), pp.10-12. Uddin, M., Luva, R. and Hossain, S. (2012). Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance and Productivity: A Case Study of Telecommunication Sector in Bangladesh.IJBM, 8(2). Wilson, F. (2010).Organizational behaviour and work. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Make It Work real time response capability

Decision making refers to a process of identifying alternatives based on the principles and partiality of the decision maker, evaluating and choosing one than fits goals and situation best. Unstructured decisions are those that one has to provide judgment and solution on a problem. These decisions are critical, non-routine with no stipulated procedure for making them. Structured decisions are repetitive, routine with a stipulated procedure.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Make It Work real time response capability specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are four kinds of computer systems that provide support to semi-structured and unstructured decision making. They include: Management information systems, which provides regular reports, and review of data at transaction- level to operational-level managers offering effective solutions to semi-structured decision problems. They generate fixed and recurrent informat ion based on data from the firm’s systems. Decision-support systems merge analytical model with set data, queries for interactive support and scrutiny for line managers in their semi-structured decision situations. Executive support systems give support to senior management in making unstructured decisions. It takes into consideration both external information and internal information. Group decision-support systems provide a group electronic platform where groups or teams can co-operatively make decisions and draw solutions jointly for unstructured and semi-structured problems. Computerized decision support benefits firms in meeting their goals. It enables companies to operate in a fast changing market environment, curb difficulties in tracking numerous business operations. Project Description Make It Work was founded by Eric Greenspan and Jeremy Anticouni in 2001. Their aim was to offer personalized technology services to digital homes with instance response on customersâ⠂¬â„¢ problems. It deals with personal computers, home networks, home theaters, online backup, internet security and safety, gaming systems, financial software, mobile devices, printers, iPods among other technological devices. The real-time responsiveness and delivering of superior customer experience gave the company a competitive advantage edge in the market it served. Make It Work ensured that its tech specialists were highly trained on technological skills, attitude and the policies of customer service for they are the one who directly interact with customers. This was paramount in enhancing employee’s motivation.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The company weaknesses and threats included low barriers to entry into the market in that the business model would easily be imitated by any prospective competitor, and the customers’ switching cost to other compan ies that offer similar services were low. For this reason, Make It Work enhanced instance response to customers’ problems while ensuring high customer satisfaction at the same time through quality delivery of services. Furthermore, Make It Work conducts corporate social responsibility on communities they serve so as to enhance positive corporate image and excellent public relations. Project Achievements Make It Work real time response capability in supporting its customer centric strategy was named Software Service Company of the year by Software Council of Southern California in the year 2006. Later in 2007, it was listed in the Inc500 as the 78th fastest growing IT Company in the USA. It was also named â€Å"Best Of† in computer repair by the Santa Barbara Independent. They managed to expand their business to other territories while delivering superior customer experience and instance response. Their quality technical service allowed it to charge premium prices, this reflected high profitability. Its success prompted recognition by large technology partners due to high quality technical service. Moreover, it became host of tech news on LA’s premier news radio station- which helped attract new customers and new co-sponsors for the show. This essay on Make It Work real time response capability was written and submitted by user Cailyn Cruz to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.