Friday, December 27, 2019

Importance of Financial Analysis - 692 Words

Financial analysis is an important aspect in maintaining a successful business. Analysis, when done properly allows a company to better pinpoint problem aspects of the business. The company can then take corrective action to alleviate or mitigate the problem aspects of the business. Aspects such as return on assets, return on equity, net income, and the quick ratio are all aspects needed to help the business function properly. Depending on the nature of the business, each metric will vary in its importance. For example, a highly capital intensive business relying on large amounts of fixed assets, may want to know the return they are getting from those assets. Likewise, a startup firm would be very interesting in its ability to pay off current debts in a timely and orderly fashion. As such the quick ration will take priority. In regards to running and maintaining a business however, I believe the three most important financial analysis tools are return on assets, profit margins, and c urrent assets. Financial computations from the finance office will allow investors to ascertain the actual position of the business. One of the most widely financial computations used is that of ROA. It is a strong profitability ratio because of its relation to both the profit margin and asset turnover. ROA helps show how well the company controls its costs and how efficient they are in utilizing their resources. For example an ROA of .44 indicates that the company is receiving $.44 for everyShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Financial Analysis1671 Words   |  7 PagesIt is important to develop unique visitors that visit our site. Not only will we need to attract them to the site, but we should be trying to get them to spend more time on the site and direct them to make contact with one or more providers. 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