Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Make It Work real time response capability

Decision making refers to a process of identifying alternatives based on the principles and partiality of the decision maker, evaluating and choosing one than fits goals and situation best. Unstructured decisions are those that one has to provide judgment and solution on a problem. These decisions are critical, non-routine with no stipulated procedure for making them. Structured decisions are repetitive, routine with a stipulated procedure.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Make It Work real time response capability specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are four kinds of computer systems that provide support to semi-structured and unstructured decision making. They include: Management information systems, which provides regular reports, and review of data at transaction- level to operational-level managers offering effective solutions to semi-structured decision problems. They generate fixed and recurrent informat ion based on data from the firm’s systems. Decision-support systems merge analytical model with set data, queries for interactive support and scrutiny for line managers in their semi-structured decision situations. Executive support systems give support to senior management in making unstructured decisions. It takes into consideration both external information and internal information. Group decision-support systems provide a group electronic platform where groups or teams can co-operatively make decisions and draw solutions jointly for unstructured and semi-structured problems. Computerized decision support benefits firms in meeting their goals. It enables companies to operate in a fast changing market environment, curb difficulties in tracking numerous business operations. Project Description Make It Work was founded by Eric Greenspan and Jeremy Anticouni in 2001. Their aim was to offer personalized technology services to digital homes with instance response on customersâ⠂¬â„¢ problems. It deals with personal computers, home networks, home theaters, online backup, internet security and safety, gaming systems, financial software, mobile devices, printers, iPods among other technological devices. The real-time responsiveness and delivering of superior customer experience gave the company a competitive advantage edge in the market it served. Make It Work ensured that its tech specialists were highly trained on technological skills, attitude and the policies of customer service for they are the one who directly interact with customers. This was paramount in enhancing employee’s motivation.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The company weaknesses and threats included low barriers to entry into the market in that the business model would easily be imitated by any prospective competitor, and the customers’ switching cost to other compan ies that offer similar services were low. For this reason, Make It Work enhanced instance response to customers’ problems while ensuring high customer satisfaction at the same time through quality delivery of services. Furthermore, Make It Work conducts corporate social responsibility on communities they serve so as to enhance positive corporate image and excellent public relations. Project Achievements Make It Work real time response capability in supporting its customer centric strategy was named Software Service Company of the year by Software Council of Southern California in the year 2006. Later in 2007, it was listed in the Inc500 as the 78th fastest growing IT Company in the USA. It was also named â€Å"Best Of† in computer repair by the Santa Barbara Independent. They managed to expand their business to other territories while delivering superior customer experience and instance response. Their quality technical service allowed it to charge premium prices, this reflected high profitability. Its success prompted recognition by large technology partners due to high quality technical service. Moreover, it became host of tech news on LA’s premier news radio station- which helped attract new customers and new co-sponsors for the show. This essay on Make It Work real time response capability was written and submitted by user Cailyn Cruz to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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