Thursday, December 19, 2019

Terrorism Is A Global Issue - 1155 Words

Terrorism is a global issue that most Canadians have come accustomed to hearing. Due to the sudden rise of terrorist acts with the Boston bombings and the shootings in Paris, terrorism is all that seems to appear on the news. But there are many parts of terrorism that people don’t know about. Like the fact that at one point the United States armed Muslim extremist in Afghanistan, who would later make up Al Qeada, to help them win the fight against the soviets who once occupied Afghanistan. Terrorism is a very broad subject, but through this essay I will be discussing the history of terrorism, its psychological factors, sociological factors, how is one brought up to become a terrorist, differing viewpoints and an experts opinion. Terrorism is defined as the use of violence or intimidation in the pursuit of political aim. The term was coined in 1793 by Maximillian Robespierre during his reign of terror in the French revolution. Robespierre would have people who opposed his ways killed. Since those days terrorist groups have formed all over the world. The Irish public army is a terrorist group that is fighting to become a national republic rather than be considered part of Great Britain. Distinct ethnic groups in turkey, Syria, Iran, and Sri Lanka have fought for autonomy since the beginning of the 20th century. The first experience the western society had with terrorism was in the 1972 Munich Olympic when a Palestinian group kidnapped and killed Israeli athletes. ReligiouslyShow MoreRelatedTerrorism Is A Global Issue1462 Words   |  6 PagesTerrorism is a global issue that has been a problem for many for centuries. Many agree that there is not just one clear definition of the word. The defini tion of terrorism is, â€Å"The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.† This definition is incomplete. It doesn’t tell you that the act of terrorism is wrong or does it describe who can be affected by it. 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